Miami City Ballet – Jewels

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Miami City Ballet opened its 2007-2008 season with a dazzling performance of George Balanchine’s “Jewels”. Softgoods and backdrops by IWEISS. “Diamonds”: Velour Drop with punched “flickering” candles. Fiber Optic Net drop. “Rubies”: Punched Velour Drop with Red Silk Background. Fiber Optic Net Drop. “Emeralds”: Fiber Optic Net Drop. “With a new version of Tony Walton’s famous set, Jewels looked terrific — a floating galaxy of green lights for Emeralds, a ballroom/street vision in red for Rubies, and a cloud of white lights that became a universe of chandeliers in Diamonds. They lit up with flickering “candles” for the finale of Diamonds, Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 3 in D Major soaring while a dizzying crowd of white-clad dancers wound and wove elaborate patterns underneath them, a universe of ballet that seemed to go on forever.” – Jordan Levin, Miami Herald.


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January 11, 2019

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